Crown Chakra Stones
The crown chakra is the seventh chakra. Situated at the head’s highest point, it gives us admittance to higher awareness conditions as we open to what is beyond our distractions and dreams. The capacity of the Crown chakra is driven by cognizance and gets us in contact with the widespread. The crown chakra is considered the extension of the universe. It is the most spiritual in nature of each of the seven chakras.
It administers connection and correspondence with the universe, one’s feelings of motivation and commitment, association with the higher self and the heavenly, and a more profound arrangement; all the while, it is answerable for a good spiritual life. A few people like to think about the crown chakra as a sort of umbilical rope to the heavenly, whereby we as individuals are associated with unity. In light of this immediate association, it is significant that we don’t conceptualize ourselves as being isolated from the heavenly.